Wednesday, May 09, 2007



What? Had I lost my mind? Bring her with me? What was I thinking? But it was too late to take the words back. I could almost see her mind turning over the idea and much to my horror accepting it. What had I done this time? I could almost hear Zoe’s laughter at my new situation.

“It’s not funny!” I growled low.

Zoe appeared off to the girl’s right. “Oh, yes it is! The mighty warrior big brother has a soft spot.” She laughed again, this time quite clearly.

“Knock it off!”

“Knock what off?” The girl looked at me with her large green eyes.

Zoe covered her mouth still laughing.

“Nothing. Have you decided then?” My mind screamed to take it back, but the problem was I had no idea how too.

“Fine. But you’re still not strong enough to travel. We should wait at least another week,” she responded eventually.

Was she crazy? “I’m fine.”

She gave me an amused look. “Oh, really? You’ve only been awake for a little bit and you’re already shaking. You really want to start the week’s travel to Ruma today? You need time.”

Curse her, she was right. I could feel my legs weakening even as I stood looking at her. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was going to land on my butt very soon. She must not have given me a whole lot of food while I was out of it.

“Two days,” I countered, before turning back to the bed and sitting down. “You have two days to figure out how you’re going to stop me from killing the Hunter. Think fast.”

I laid back and closed my eyes. I must have needed rest because the whole conversation had been insane. I felt Maglynar brush against me. The oaf would watch the girl while I rested. The knowledge was all I needed to fall asleep again.


When I got back up, I felt more rested than I had for a very long time. The smell of something cooking quickly woke me up further. The girl, I still didn’t know her name, was cooking over the fire. Both animals were watching her movements closely.

She glanced up at me. “I suppose you want some too?”

Obviously traveling together wasn’t going to improve her attitude. “What is it?”

“Squirrel, rabbit, and some of Maglynar’s left over elk.”

“Leftover?” I did not want the griffin’s leftovers.

“He didn’t touch this part if that has you scared,” she mocked.

I decided that didn’t deserve a reply. I swung my legs over the edge carefully and stood. “Can you cook?”

“Better than you, I’d bet, but if you think I’ll poison you, you’re welcome to starve,” she poured three bowls, put two on the table, one on the floor, and then placed the pot itself on the floor. “Eat up.”

Maglynar took the pot and the panther the one on the floor. The girl looked at me. “Are you coming to the table? I’m not bringing it over to you.”

This was going to be a very long trip.

I made my way to the table and sat down. “Should I keep calling you ‘girl’ or do I get a name?”

She glanced up from the table to look at me. “Kristalyn. You?”


She nodded and turned to her food. It looked like she intended to ignore me for the rest of the day. But if that was what she wanted then that was exactly what I wasn’t going to give her.

“How you are related to the Hunter?” I started off with my most pressing question.

“Who said we were related?” She finally asked after very slowly eating her first bite.

“You feel a close tie to him. You lovers then?” I started to eat my own food. It wasn’t bad.

She swallowed quickly and looked up at me. “No.”


“I’m not answering your pathetic interrogation questions. If you want answers, you won’t get them from me. Now, eat, before I give yours to the griffin.” She pointed her spoon towards Maglynar who had somehow already finished his pot of food and was watching me with far too interested eyes.

I turned back to my food and ate another bite. I wasn’t done with the questions though. If she was really planning on traveling with me, I would find a way to get the information out of her. I needed to be as prepared as possible when I met the Hunter and I had a feeling this girl held all the answers I needed. I watched as she took another bite and used her hand to wipe her chin. It was going to be interesting trying to get them out of her.



I watched as he stretched his shoulder carefully and winced. It still wasn’t healed. The week’s rest had done him a lot of good, but it would take a whole lot longer than just a week for the shoulder to heal. That was good news for me however, over the past day I had gotten the extremely clear impression that if he had been able to he would have tied both me and Kuroiden up and left us behind. Thankfully, he didn’t have that option.

I scanned the area again. Egan had still not returned and I wasn’t going to be able to delay Aiden any longer. At least not at the cabin, I had plenty of delay tactics worked out for the journey. Egan would be able to track me, but I didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t back. It was unusual for him to be late.

“If you’re coming, move it!” Aiden called back.

I glanced at him. He had put his arm into its sling, so the weight was off his shoulder and his pack had been swung over Maglynar’s back. Except for the sling, he fully looked like a warrior intent on carrying and his mission and that was just what I was afraid of.

“You’re not going anywhere without me and you know it, so just wait,” I yelled back. I was not looking forward to this trip in so many ways.

I calmly turned to the door and closed it tight. I had already finished preparing the inside for when Traket finally returned. There was no lock on the door, since there was no need for one. Still, it grated that I couldn’t secure the place more, but this would have to do.

I picked up my own pack and slung it across my shoulder, so that it hung across my back at the same angle as my quiver and bow. I turned around and let out a grunt. Aiden was nowhere to be seen. The pain had left without me. Just at the edge of the grove however, Maglynar waited patiently. Apparently, I had more points with the griffin than I did with his master.

“Come on, Kuroi, let’s go catch up to the stubborn warrior.”

Kuroiden stood from his spot in the sun and stretched lazily before padding over to me and cocking his head.

“This is going to be a very long trip, my friend. And I only have the week it will take to get to Ruma to figure out how to permanently stop him.” I shook my head and blew out a long breath dreading the next week.

Maglynar screeched impatiently.

I laughed, “All right, we’re coming.” I walked over to him and patted his head, “Let’s go catch up to your warrior.”

Maglynar gave another screech and took off to the north east.

I followed at a slower pace. “He’s not that much of a stranger, Kuroi. He knows what direction to go. Looks like I won’t be delaying him that way.”

Kuroi let out a meow of agreement then raced ahead to pad along next to Maglynar. The two animals had made friends quickly. I looked ahead of them where I could just make out Aiden’s outline. It wouldn’t be so easy for their masters.


“No. Forget it.” Aiden spouted.

“Oh, so I suppose you’re going to take care of it yourself?” I shot back.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

“Your injured and weak, Warrior Man. Let the animals and I do it,” I argued.

“I do not need your help in any way,” he said stubbornly.

I snorted. “You’re as stubborn as you are stupid. I’m not even dealing with you.”

I turned away, “Maglynar! Kuroiden! Let’s go hunting. Stubborn butt is staying here.”

I grabbed my bow and stood from my spot next to the fire. After two days on the trail, the food we had brought with us and almost run out. I refused to look at Aiden, but I could feel his hard steel blue eyes staring at me from across the fire. It was amusing really. He hated being waited on, but he couldn’t hunt for himself. Not yet at any rate and I didn’t feel like fixing his bandage anymore than I had too. He was just going to have to get use to being the weak one for a while. The thought amused me.

Between the two animals, we had plenty of meat for the next two nights after only a little while hunting. I returned to the camp to find Aiden gone. I glanced around quickly. It had been stupid of me to take both animals, I should have left Kuroiden to guard Aiden. I sighed. Well, he hadn’t gotten far.

“Kuroiden!” The cat came to my side, “Find Aiden.”

The panther disappeared quickly into the wood line. Where would Aiden have gone?

Maglynar dropped to the ground from wherever he had been and started to eat. I shook my head at him and started to prepare our own meal. It was almost finished by the time Kuroiden padded back into camp with Aiden not far behind.

“Where were you?” I asked.


“Obviously. Where?”

“If you had to know I would have already told you. Is that supper?” Aiden asked as he sat down calmly.


“Am I going to get some or are you planning on keeping it?” His voice was sarcastic.

I glanced at him. What was with him and his attitude? There was more to this guy than he wanted anyone to know. “You can have some, if you cut the attitude.”

He looked at me, but I couldn’t tell if he was amused or contemplating different ways to kill me. I was guessing the latter.

“Laying down ground rules?” He asked.

“Someone should,” I turned to face him more fully. “I need to know where you are at all times. Either Kuroiden or I will go with you when you leave the camp from now on. And do not get any immoral ideas in your head. Neither Kuroiden or I will stand for such acts.”

Aiden laughed out loud. It was deep and would have been pleasant sounding, if it hadn’t been mocking. “Don’t flatter yourself. I wouldn’t waste my time with you,” he jeered. “As for the rest, let me remind you I am not your prisoner. You are traveling with me not the other way around. There are things that I am going to do without you whether you like it or not, such as my mission just now.”

He had relieved himself. I could feel the heart rising up my face, but there was little I could do to stop it. I turned quickly to face the fire. Maybe he would think it was that.

He laughed again… or maybe not.

“You’re not in charge here, not by a long shot. Get use to it. If I lose you, it’s better for me, so make all the rules you want, I’m not following them.” He stood and grabbed some of the food off the fire.

And just like that I had lost all control.



Blogger Rachel Starr Thomson said...

Great ending line!

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous =)

5:21 PM  
Blogger Brittany Simmons said...

Oh my word. Those two! It's going to be so interesting to watch them interact. It IS so interesting to watch them interact. They're going to drive each other insane, and I'm going to relish every moment of it. :-D I love Aiden!

1:27 PM  
Blogger Emily Nelson said...

Ahhhhh....happy sigh. I love it! Kris is becoming a much loved heroine. I like how she's fiery but calm. Yes, calm. She's able to control her emotions pretty well, and her desire to protect those close to her is very cool. I'm looking forward to seeing chapter sixteen (since I've already read fifteen *grin*).

So, "Tray" is Kris's name for Tancred? Sweet. Sounds good.

I love you, Sis! *hugs* 38 DAYS!

6:08 AM  
Blogger Rachel Rossano said...

“Maglynar! Kuroiden! Let’s go hunting. Stubborn butt is staying here.”

Stubborn butt, eh? :) I agree with Starr that you ended on a great line. :)

Kristalyn is doing just fine on her own. I think if you just give her a few reflective moments you will have the info you want. Of course, I still have another chapter to read before I am caught up.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to say, that I haven't read this chapter yet...but I wanted you to know I am praying for you!
Micah W

6:41 PM  

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