Friday, April 25, 2008

Hello all!
Yes, it is very good to be back. Thanks for the well wishes! I've greatly enjoyed being able to pour my focus into Aiden's story. He has traveled far on his adventure of self, too bad for him, he still has far to go. Kristalyn too struggles with who this man truly is and wanting him to be more. Sorry about the confusion switching between Kris and Aiden's thoughts. Hopefully, it doesn't throw you off too much. Let me know if there is something that is specifically confusing to you and I'll try to fix it! Thanks for letting me know about the switching! And I do love trying to give chapters good closing lines. Some are much better than others though! To answer your questions, Britt, you'll just have to read and find out. And tell David if he wants another chapter, he'll have to post a comment of his own next time. That and that alone dictates how fast these chapters go up now, since...dare I mention it?.... I've written up through Chapter 30. Oops, I mentioned it! Believe me, you don't want to miss where Aiden and Kristalyn are heading. Even I was surprised! So, enjoy the story and let me know what you think! I'm SO glad I am able to have these conversations with all of you! I love that you are all part of Aiden's story each time you read and comment!
P.S. if you haven't check out my personal sites, don't forget to click on my name in the right sidebar and do so! Let me know what you think! There will be a new poll up soon! Now, on to the main event!





He was the most stubborn person on the face of the world and he was going to help us. But, I crossed my arms and stared at him firmly, not until after he had more time to heal. It was the morning after the attempt to capture him and he was arguing the position as well as he could, but it was more amusing and frustrating to me than in any way convincing.

“…and that is final,” Aiden finished whatever he had been saying.

I looked at him calmly. “Yes, it is. You are staying here until you are better.”

“Kristalyn!” He groaned.

I held up my hand to stall the next argument. “I am more aware than anyone that we need to move quickly, Aiden. But you are hurt. That fight yesterday left you more worn out then you want to admit and it opened up the wound again. You are no good to any of us if you are dead.”

“I said I would help you, Kristalyn. That does not give you the right to order me around,” he said quite stubbornly.

“No, but the fact that I care does,” I argued back. Suddenly, his room where our stand off was happening seemed to get a whole lot smaller. I barely stopped the groan that wanted to leave me at my own words. Why, in Dues’ mighty power, had I admitted that?

Aiden seemed to take that in for a moment, because he stopped speaking at all. “What?” He finally asked.

“I care about what happens to you. You’re a valuable asset to my people,” I responded casually, but the words rang untrue in my own ears. He was a valuable asset, but that wasn’t why I cared.

Aiden’s voice thankfully stopped my thoughts from going any further. “So, that’s all I am again? An asset to be used at will for whatever purpose you deem me capable of?”

I could hear the cold anger in his voice. This was not going well. I sighed, unsure how to make this better without really incriminating myself.

“That’s not true, Aiden, and it’s an unfair accusation.”

He looked at me coldly. “I’d say it’s very fair based on your own words.”

“No, you’re angry because you know I’m right and your twisting my words to meet your own needs,” realizing the words were true even as I spoke them. “I’m not your enemy here. Stop treating me like one.”

Aiden glared at me, but said nothing. He didn’t have to when his eyes held mine like that. They were more steel than blue right now because he was mad. Inside them, I could see his cold, brutal fury, but I could also see the pain. He had so much trapped inside of him and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do to help. In the end, that was all I wanted to do.

“Come on, Aiden,” I pleaded slightly. “You know you can feel the pain. It won’t kill us to wait a few more days. Please.”

Aiden looked subdued for a moment, then finally turned and moved back to his bed. He was good at hiding things, but he still walked in a stiff manner. He really was in pain.

“Have it your way. This is your war, not mine. But don’t think this will happen all the time.” He spoke even as he laid down on his bed.

I smiled and moved to turn down the lamp on the desk. “Sure, Aiden, whatever you say.”


The very next day, Aiden insisted on seeing Magnar. Reluctantly, I agreed, but managed to wait to convince him until night had almost fallen. In the dusk, I was able to send Egan to bring the two animals closer and saved Aiden from having to walk even that distance. We found a secluded spot along the city wall that we could safely meet the animals at. Aiden spent the whole time complaining that it was an unnecessary measures and he could walk just fine. I had won the argument already, so I just let him complain. It was easier that way.

I smiled when I saw Kurioden melted from the shadows and to appear at my side. Egan swooped down next to him and said, Fly, before taking off again.

I nodded absently and bent down to wrap my arms around Kurio’s neck, burying my face in his silky fur. We had spent more time apart over the last month than we had since I had first found my partner. Someone had killed the kit’s mother, but the little cub somehow escaped their scrutiny. A fact I had always been thankful for. Mom had hadn’t known how to react at first, but she had been willing to help me, although she insisted I had to do all the actual work with the cub. Tancred had been much less sure, afraid he’d turn at me at some point. But from the very beginning, Kurioden had proved he was loyal to me and we had many adventures together. He had saved my life more than once and being separated from him was always hard.

“I missed you, Kurio. How are you holding up?” I asked, not letting go of him.

He purred and rubbed against me, sensing my need for the contact.

Magnar appeared then and he screeched his happiness and bounded over. I winced, but the griffin stopped short of actually hitting Aiden and I breathed in relief. Aiden welcomed his friend and took him farther away from Kurioden and I. Apparently, whatever he had to say to the griffin he didn’t want us overhearing.

“How have you been?” I asked, concentrating on the panther.

He growled and then purred softly.

I smiled and loosened my hold slightly. “Sorry. I’m glad you and Magnar are getting along so well. It must be different having to live with a griffin.”

Kurio huffed in an ‘you have no idea’ way.

I laughed. “Well, I know what he was like when we traveled together, but I’m sure without Aiden and I around, you are both acting different.”

An angry screech came from behind me and I turned to look at Aiden, who was glaring at Magnar. “Oh come on!”

The two were obviously involved in some argument.

Kurioden growled low and then bucked against me. I petted his head gently.

“What is that all about?”

Kurioden shook his head briskly and meowed low.

“It is so my business. Well, now. Kurio, he’s going to help us. He decided to come with us back to Aerilya and help us win our freedom back.”

Kurioden looked at me in surprise.

“Ricald sent people after him to kill him or bring him back and Aiden wasn’t pleased about it. He decided to switch sides. Kurio, I know I shouldn’t, but I want to trust him. I want to believe he’s really changing.”

Kurio made a low rumble sound in his chest.

“I know. You saw it too, huh? I can’t help it, Kurioden. I have to keep my distance from him or I’m really going to be in trouble, but we need his help.”

Kurio mad a questioning sound and I grimaced.

“Sure, I know what I’m doing,” but my voice held anything but certainty.

“Fine!” Aiden stormed past me, although he moved rather stiffly for it to have any good effect, if that was what he was going for.

I turned to look at Magnar, who was watching his friend with a worried look on his face.

“What was that all about?” I asked quickly.

The two animals had a conference, in the middle of which Egan swooped down from wherever he had been enjoying his freedom of flight to join in. I waited for a moment then lost patience.

“Anyone want to let me in on this?” I finally questioned.

All three creatures looked up at me, but it was Egan who finally spoke.


“Obviously. About what?”

Leaving, soon.

“Oh. Aiden tried to convince you to let him leave now, huh?” I looked at Magnar.

The griffin lowered his head and screeched sadly.

I walked over to him and rubbed his head gently.

“Its okay, Mag, you did the right thing. He’s still not ready. Can you carry him when we do leave and go real slow?”

Egan snorted. Trouble.

“He’s worth it, Egan. You’ll see.”

Egan snorted again, saying without words that it wasn’t possible.


He nodded his agreement.

“Okay, I’m going to go catch up to stubborn. You three head back to the glade. Egan, stay out here from now on. You’ll be able to fly and I don’t think I’ll be able to keep Aiden in the city for more than a day or two anyway.”

The three animals nodded their agreement, although Egan’s was rather reluctant. I didn’t bother to comment on it and raced to catch up to Aiden. He had almost made it to the gate. By the time we got to the room, he still hadn’t talked. He really could be stubborn.


Four days to the moment almost, we were leaving the city. It was just before dusk when we headed out. The time would discourage anyone from following and gave the animals better cover.

I was surprised by the tension I felt releasing from around my shoulders and hearts the minute I left the gate, knowing I would not have to be back. So much death and tension had happened inside the city of Ruma, it was hard not to want to blame the city itself. But it was only the King who had done so many cruel deeds to my family and his own people. If we could force this battle to go our way, it was possible, even the people of Ruma would feel the relief. But regardless, I was feeling it now.

“Thank you, Deus. We have all survived this city and its king once again,” I whispered as I walked beside the slow moving Aiden.

I felt him stiffen beside me and knew he had heard my soft prayer. It still troubled me that he would not hear anything I said about Deus. He was completely closed off to the subject. It didn’t seem to matter what angle I approached it from, as soon as he heard Deus name, the subject was closed. It was strange in a way, because while he claimed that Deus did not exist, he seemed to blame Him for everything that had happened in his past at the same time. It made me wonder if he had known the true Deus at one point and rejected Him later on. It was a thought worth pursuing.

But not right then, as a trio of animals came out of their hiding spot to meet us. We stopped and waited for their approach. I hugged Kurio and said hi to Egan, who nodded stiffly at me. Apparently, he was still miffed at having to travel with Aiden again. Aiden, for his part, ignored all of them, including Magnar, who tried to greet him by rubbing up against him. Aiden shoved him off quickly. He was obviously still mad.

Magnar shook his head sadly, but then looked at Aiden and screeched angrily.

I watched with interest as I slipped my pack off of my back and secured it to Kurioden. It was a special bag we had made up for him. He could pull at it with his teeth and it would come fall instantly allowing him to move unhindered and it allowed me to be free to handle my bow and arrows. Magnar screeched again.

“No,” Aiden replied firmly, moving forward. Kurioden stepped in front of him and Aiden growled in frustration.

“What is going on?” I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at all of them.

“He wants me to ride,” Aiden muttered.

“And?” I asked, seeing the wisdom and the blow to Aiden’s ego at the same time.

“And? And no,” Aiden spouted.

“Look, we have a long way to go and it’s going to be even longer if you are battling us the whole way. Face it, your hurt. If you want to be up to full strength be the time we reach Aerilya, then you are going to take it easy now, whether you like it or not. Quite being stubborn and get on!” I stated very firmly and turned away from him. “Come on, Egan, Kurioden. Time to move it. I want to see Tray soon.”

Aiden groaned at my comment. I wouldn’t want a real meeting with the man I had tried to murder three times either… even if I was on the same side now. How in Deus’ green world was I going to explain this one to Tancred? It was not a pleasant thought. But I was still desperate to see my brother again and be able to actually talk to him. I hated being separated from him for so long and what made it worse was that the last time he had heard of me was from an assassin’s mouth. He must be worried sick.

Egan took the opportunity to settle around my shoulders as I walked. His tail flicked his agitation, although, apparently he wasn’t too agitated to hitch a ride. Behind me, I heard Aiden mumbling and then shifting before Magnar’s pace finally picked up. It was going to be a rather long trip.


I hated seeing the pain cross his face. It tore at me every time. He had healed quite a bit during his forced rest, but the jostling of Magnar’s walk irritated him. If Magnar had been able to fly it would have been soother, but after only a day of travel we were still too close to curious eyes for that. Not to mention, Magnar had just become big enough to carry a human and he hadn’t done so yet. Carrying an injured Aiden wasn’t the best time to test his abilities.

The most galling thing was that I couldn’t help him. He wouldn’t let me. It seemed to be a pattern with him and not for the first time I wondered what had made him so harsh and full of pain. If I could solve that mystery perhaps I would… my thoughts stopped there. Perhaps I would what? If I did find out about his background what would that get me? He was already going to help us. What did it matter beyond that? I glanced behind me and saw him in some deep discussion with Magnar. But it did matter… a lot.

Kurioden padded along next to me and growled low. I ignored him for a moment. I couldn’t explain my thoughts and was far less sure I wanted to, even if I could. I could just say my fascination was just curiosity, but it was more than that, and I knew it. Despite my, um, personal feelings, whatever they were, I knew Deus did have a hand on him and I wanted to know why. Aiden’s hatred for my God was almost visible, yet my own father had not followed Deus at one point either and he was the greatest man I knew. In Aiden’s eyes, behind the pain and hate, I saw the same man. And I wanted to get to know him.

Kurioden meowed again and I turned to him this time. “What, Kurio? Don’t like being ignored?”

The panther hissed.

I smiled at him and laid a hand on top of his head. I’m sorry. I was lost in thought.”

Egan, riding on my shoulder, clacked his agreement.

“Oh, please, I wasn’t trying to ignore you both. I was simply thinking.”

About him.

“That’s not your concern, Egan.”

The psudo-dragon snorted his disagreement and I sighed.

“I’m going to walk back with Aiden and Magnar, do you want to be on my shoulders when I do?”

The dragon changed his coloring from its normal rusty hue to a dark, almost black, blue. He was angry with me, but I didn’t say anything and the dragon launched from my shoulder with more roughness than usual. Immediately, I slowed my pace to allow Magnar to catch up with me. Aiden glanced at me, but that was it.

“How are you?” I finally asked to dispel the awkward silence.


I nodded. “Good. Not having too much trouble then?”

“Would it make you happier if I was?”

Sighing, I replied, “I thought we already established I’m not the enemy.”

He was silent for a moment, and then gave a short nod. “I’m sorry, Kristalyn.”

I looked at him in surprise. “You’re apologizing?”

He glanced at me, but then looked straight ahead again. “Do you deserve less?”

“No. It’s just not normal for you,” I murmured.

He laughed. “And you have me all figured out, don’t you, Kristalyn?”

I walked silently for a few more paces, before shaking my head. “No, not everything.”

We were quite for a while, before I ventured my real question. “What made you like this Aiden?”

“What do you mean?” He finally asked.

I laughed softly. “A lot of things I guess. Where did you come from originally?”

“A place on the other side of the mountains called Bradiach Forest.”

“What was there?” I asked, as I watched his face. The pain and sorrow that flashed across it was too great for even him to hide.


That was where it had all started. “Your family?”

“They were there… at one point.” His voice was so low and his grey blue eyes said there was a painful story there.

Magnar screeched sympathetically and Aiden rubbed his head absently.

“It’s a long story. One I don’t want to go in too.”

I nodded, but heard myself asking, “Is it really that painful?”

“That would be one word to use.”

“Aiden, why can’t you tell me what happened?” I heard the pleading in my tone, but I couldn’t seem to keep it out.

He finally turned his head to look at me. “Why do you need to know?”

I had to look away quickly, because I could feel the blush creeping into my cheeks. How was I supposed to answer that?

“Does it affect how much you trust me or my helping you?” He continued to question.

I blinked, surprised. “No, of course not. I’ve seen you in action. I trust you abilities.”

“But not me personally?”

Chuckling, I said, “You mean the guy who was trying to murder my brother?”

He laughed out loud, and then grimaced. “Point made. But I know you trust me more than that.”

“I do.”


“Because…” I paused for a moment to sort my thoughts. Why not just tell him the truth? “Because I’ve seen in you more than what you’ve shown.”


“You’re not as hard or cruel as you want everyone to believe. You care about things no completely hardened assassin would. And when it comes down to it, you do the right thing.”

“And you’ve seen all this?” He seemed disturbed by the revelation.


“How do you know I haven’t just been leading you on?”

“I just do,” I finally answered.

He nodded and we walked on again in silence.


We had almost been traveling for a week when we saw the upper edges of Maribrac Forest. We would travel along it for a ways, before going in deeper to reach the camp. Aiden had spent most of the trip training himself and Magnar. His upper body strength was almost back to full now and Magnar was getting rather good at carrying Aiden’s weight in the air. The two were a joy to watch soar through the air. At first, the process had been awkward, and Aiden had almost been dumped more than once, but now the two moved as one.

Suddenly, the two landed with a hard thump next to me and I looked at them in surrpsie. They hadn’t shown any signs of coming down. One look at Aiden’s face though, and I knew it hadn’t been a planned stop.

“What happened?”

“Elangsia is almost here.”

I felt the shock ripple through my body. “What? That’s not possible!”

“Possible or not, they did it,” Aiden’s voice was grim. “They aren’t a small army either. Your Aerilya has its work cut out for it.”

I swallowed hard and Kurio bumped up against me. Absently, I rubbed his head. If the army was already here, we were later than I thought. Had Aerilya had time to prepare?

“What about Aerilya? Did you see our army?”

Aiden gave a small smile. They are camped up closer to the forest. They look like they’ve been waiting.”

“The Wild Men haven’t arrived?” I asked.

Aiden shook his head. “I don’t know. If they are, they moved far faster than they should have under even the best circumstances.”

I nodded. “I wonder how far out they are then.”

Aiden just shook his head. “So, what’s the plan?”

I looked at him in surprise. “You’re asking me?”

“You’re the brains here, girl. I’m along for the ride, remember?”

“Are you? I thought you had more motive than that,” I responded lightly. He never had really explained why he had turned sides. I only knew it had to do with the assassins Ricald had sent. But with Aiden there had to more to it than just that.

“Does it matter?” Aiden finally asked.

“It does to me,” my reply came out softer than I intended it too.

Aiden was silent for a long moment, before he finally replied, “Then I will tell you, but not today. We need to concentrate on other things.”

I sighed and nodded. Maybe he would tell me, but I had the feeling when he did it would be right before he walked out of my life forever. The thought left me feeling much colder than it should have. “Um, we need more information.” I managed to put my thoughts back on track. “How far away are they?”

“Not far. They’ll meet your army by morning sometime.”

“Oh, Deus.” I took a deep breath and sent up a prayer for peace and wisdom. When I opened my eyes again, Aiden was watching me intensely, but I was calm again. “We need to get under cover. The woods will be safest. We can form a better plan from there, but I need to know what my brother is planning.” I thought for a moment. “Egan.” The lithe dragon came to attention on my shoulder. “Let’s get more information on situation. Fly over the army and find out what you can. Let me know anything you find. We’ll meet you at the woods edge.”

Egan clacked his agreement and took off. He had barely made it into the sky, when Magnar screeched and tried to launch after him.

“Hey!” Aiden exclaimed at the suddenly move. He glared at the griffin and slid off. “What are you doing?”

Magnar screeched again and arched his neck after Egan. Aiden shook his head.

“Are you crazy? You’re too big.”

The griffin screeched again, anger lacing his tone.

Aiden looked at him in surprise. “What? Why is it so important?”

The griffin looked at me, before ducking his great head and screeching something low. I frowned. It had almost sounded like… I shook my head at the silly thought .

Aiden understood though, because he looked at the griffin and shook his head. “You’re crazy. But go ahead. I won’t be able to stop you anyway.”

The griffin screeched happily and took off. I watched him go and turned to Aiden. What was all that?”

“One stubborn griffin. Let’s go.” With that, Aiden grabbed his bag and started walking.

For once, I decided not to press. Quickly, I caught up. The forest was directly in front of us now and the sight made me warm with the familiar feeling of home. I had grown up under its canopy. I prayed the battle here would not hurt its beauty.

We hadn’t quite reached its edges, when Egan swooping in with his customary clacking. The three of us paused, so the dragon, now bright blue, could land on my arm.


No Wild. Large. Home ready.

“Okay. What about Tray?”


“Hmm. He should have made it back long before now. He’d be camping in the woods if he is here. Let me think. If the Wild Men aren’t here, they must still be on their way. But at least home is ready for them. I’m surprised they were able to prepare so fast. I have to guess Tray is there. That means I’m going to need instructions. Tray might want me at the battle or he might need the location of those Wild Men.”

I started walking again as I thought. I still needed more information, which meant I had to get in touch with my brother. Egan could get there quickly, but one of the things he would want from Egan was information. I glanced at Aiden, information I wasn’t ready to give just yet. “Egan, you have to go to Tray. Tell him I’m in Mirbrac, but northwest of him and I need instructions. Let him know I’m glad Aerilya is ready and that with Elangsia here so quickly I need to know what he wants me to do.”


I groaned. Tray would want to know what I had been up too. “Oh, I don’t know, Egan. Make something up.”

The little dragon arched his neck so he could look me in the face. Lie?

“No, don’t lie…I don’t want to know what you tell him. Just don’t say anything about Ruma or Aiden. You hear me? Nothing about Aiden. That’s something I’ll have do deal with in person.”

Lucky. Egan snorted almost gleefully.

“Hush. Just go. And please be quick.”

The dragon nodded once and took off.


The dragon paused and hovered in mid flight.

“Tell Tray I miss him and I’m fine, okay?” I didn’t care that Aiden could hear the hurt in my voice. Being this close to Tray and once again unable to get to him was so hard.

Egan nodded once.

“Okay. Be careful.”

Egan grinned and clacked happily.

I laughed. “Yes, I care about you too. No go on.”

Egan clacked a goodbye and within minutes was only a little speck in the sky.

“He’s excited to get to Tray.”

“He’s missed him too,” Aiden observed.

I was silent for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, he did.”

Aiden gave a short nod. “You’ll see him soon.”

I turned to look at his face, but he was already walking to the forest. There had been something in his tone, something so sad. He said his siblings were no longer at their home. His only connection had been three small letters. Did he wonder when he would see his own family again? He must.

“Oh, Aiden, I wish you would open up to me.” But the man of my thoughts never heard my plea.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, more Aiden!

7:51 PM  
Blogger Kirk said...

Can't wait for more.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" 'Oh, Aiden, I wish you would open up to me', but the man of my thoughts never heard my plea."
That made me cry.
That was the first time in reading Aiden's story that the emotion has rung so true, and so deep, that I cried.
Bravo. You have certainly come a long way from the first few chapters of our friend, both in your writing, and in your characterizations. It's amazing to see how they have grown.

About the switching...It wasn't anything specific, just a little disconcerting going between the two. This chapter was fine. (Hmm, I wonder why? Can it be the whole chapter was written in Kris's pov? ;-) )

2:17 PM  
Blogger Brittany Simmons said...

I like the role reversal you had going on at the beginning. It's rather amusing to see Kristalyn bossing Aiden along for once. ;-)

I also like how Kris plans to see her brother. I'm assuming for various reasons that it isn't going to happen, but the false expectation is neat. That reunion part is going to be so fun to read when it gets here! Emily was telling me that you guys might try writing it together through instant messaging, just writing it back and forth. Only you two. The way you can collaborate so well is amazing.

I had a couple other things I wanted to comment on, but I forgot. I think they had to do with the story in general instead of just this chapter, so hopefully I'll rmember for next time.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Hooray for more Aiden! :)

I kind of liked when you were switching views. I liked seeing both their reactions and thoughts. It seemed to me to make the story flow better too.

You did well with this chapter, especially with covering so much time in it. It's always hard to do that and still keep it interesting. I would, however, have liked to see more deepness or something like that in this chapter. There's so much potential for electric feelings and for capturing readers' hearts, drawing them into the characters if you put more emotion into it instead of mostly just having the characters' thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to make it gooshy with romantic emotions... just a wee bit more description of her frustration, anger, love (for her brother, father)... Arrgh. I'm not expressing myself very well. But maybe you can make sense of it somehow. :) Just a suggestion I had. :)

Good job, though!

Sooo... what happens next?!! :)

~ Ashley

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me? Why me?

I like it a lot. And I didn't think Aiden would ever ride Magnar and he did. I commented, so please post more.


3:13 PM  
Blogger Emily Nelson said...

LOL, bravo for David's comment!!!!! :-)

Good chapter Sis. But you knew that already since I told you that when I first read it, haha.

LOVE YOU!! *hug*

4:49 AM  

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